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Title: Examination of population information system as the e-government development in regency
Authors: Ferdiansyah 
Nguyen, P.T. 
Sharmili, N. 
Shankar, K. 
Abadi, S. 
Hashim, W. 
Maseleno, A. 
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: The government established policies regarding population administration based on Law No. 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration. To implement registration in the field of civil registration, the government launched a population administration information system (Bahasa: Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kependudukan (SIAK)) to obtain and manage easily the population data. Thus, it needed a study to identify potential problems that arised from the provisions in the registration of SIAK-based civil registration that aims to facilitate the community in making SIAK and early identification of problems in the process of population registration in the field of civil registration such in Tanggamus Regency, there were still many problems in the field of civil registration. From this problem, the writer conducted research regarding how the rules to make SIAK so that e-government is served in the field of civil registration, and how the process of population registration in the field of civil registration and what were the obstacles encountered in the implementation and how to overcome it, while the data analysis was done qualitatively. Based on research data conducted in the Tanggamus Regency Government, the results obtained were that SIAK Regulations in Tanggamus Regency regulated in local regulation No.12 of 2008 concerning the Implementation of Population Administration which is adjusted in Constitution No.23 of 2006 concerning Administration, although in implementation regulations issued were still experiencing problems. However, these obstacles were overcome by efforts such as social approaches and improving services to the people of Tanggamus Regency. © BEIESP.
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F1316.0886S219
Appears in Collections:UNITEN Scholarly Publication

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