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Title: A high gain modified SEPIC DC-to-DC boost converter for renewable energy application
Authors: Maroti, P.K. 
Padmanaban, S. 
Bhaskar, M.S. 
Blaabjerg, F. 
Siano, P. 
Fedák, V. 
Ramachandaramurthy, V.K. 
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: The proposed work present the modified high gain Single Ended Primary Inductance Converter (SEPIC) for renewable energy applications. The voltage gain of proposed converter is very highly related to conventional dc-to-dc converter and recently projected converter based on conventional converter. The key feature of projected converter is only one controlled device and voltage gain is increased without using a transformer and coupled inductor structure. The voltage gain of projected converter is increased by 10 times compared to the SEPIC converter by adding one extra inductor and capacitor in SEPIC converter for a duty ratio of 90%. The detailed analysis of the voltage gain with the voltage drop across passive device and working of projected converter is deliberated in details in the paper. The projected converter is simulated in Matrix Laboratory software (2014). The simulation results validate the feasibility of projected converter. © 2017 IEEE.
DOI: 10.1109/CENCON.2017.8262502
Appears in Collections:COE Scholarly Publication

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